Experiencing Blurred Vision While Wearing Glasses


You will be delighted when you receive your new prescription glasses. Can't wait to put it on, but you find everything blurry.You take them off and try putting them on again, several times in a row, but your vision is still distorted. Now, instead of enjoying your new glasses, you’re disappointed and frustrated.

Patience with New Prescriptions

Let Your Brain Catch Up to Better Vision.Experiencing blurriness or some distortion with new prescription glasses, whether they’re your first eyeglasses ever or are an updated power of lens, is a common occurrence. Relax. Your eyes are simply adjusting to a new way of seeing after previously compensating for less-than-perfect vision. With first-time corrective lenses or a stronger lens prescription, the brain is receiving images that are different from what it routinely processed prior to the change. Within a few days, you will find the distortion decreasing and begin to enjoy your ability to view things clearly, perhaps for the first time ever.

Make Sure the Glasses are a Good Fit.Another factors possibly causing visual distortion is a change in the shape of your eyeglass frame – going from large frames to small ones and the field of view changes caused by the switching of the frame type.Get used to the distance between the nose pads of the old glasses,the distance between the old glasses and the eyes.These will affect your vision.

 If you continue to feel uncomfortable with how well you see or how the glasses feel on your face, find out if you can fine-tune the frames for a better fit, or ask an optician for help.


Persistent Blurriness

After a few days, if you’re still experiencing blurriness or distortion using your new eyeglasses,it may be that you received the wrong prescription. Unfortunately,this rarely happens.usually due to human error during your exam, in the course of recording or transmitting the prescription order, or somewhere in the manufacturing process. In the case of continued vision problems, it’s best to contact your optometrist to check that the prescription is correct. You might even need another eye examination to double-check that the prescription is accurate for your corrective requirements.

Ongoing Need for Eye Care

 Blurriness can sometimes signal more serious underlying disorders of the eye.Reasons for Blurriness: Continued overuse of the eyes, without adequate rest and adequate nutrition, the focus adjustment function of the eyes will temporarily decrease, resulting in blurred vision and inability to see things clearly. Other diseases, including cataracts, myopia, dry eye, glaucoma, uveitis, or presbyopia (deterioration of focus adjustment due to aging) are also possible causes of blurred vision.

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