Current Eyewear Trends


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Do you stay on top of fashion trends? One of the fastest growing and quickly changing fashion items is eyewear. Not so long ago, the trend for eyeglass frames was thick, chunky plastic. Lately, however, it's all about the thin, metal frame. Think round, Harry Potter style wire frames. Here are a few recent trends in eyewear.

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Over the past couple of years, chunky plastic frames have paved the way for bold and stylish looks. Vintage and retro dark frames look stylish, as they are a huge comeback of the 1950's and 1960's. Look for smaller, round eye, wire frames.
Recommendations for color are to go with something more bold, such as burgundy, green or blue.  If you prefer a more traditional look, then look for a metallic frame. Silver and gold are popular metallic colors. Also, look out for mixed and contrasting elements that combine shiny metals with matted laminated acetates.
Not all people can sport a small, thin round frame, but there are hundreds of styles of frames available to choose from. Look into the mirror and pay attention to your particular combination of features. How large and prominent your eyes, nose and mouth? These features will influence how frames will suit you. Remember to refrain from falling in love with particular frame styles that may not suit you – some styles will only look fabulous lying on your desk. It’s also important to choose glasses that are consistent with your personality and clothing style. Use these tips as guidelines when picking out new eyewear:

  • If your glasses rest too much on your cheeks, they're a bad fit.
  • If the glasses extend too far on either side of your face, they are too big for you.
  • If the arms or temples do not rest over your ears, the frame is too small.
  • If the glasses let too much light in on the bottom or sides, the frame may be too small for you.
Round face - If your face is round, look for more of a rectangular shaped frame. In round faces, it pays to keep the lenses a little larger, as smaller lenses tend to make your eyes appear smaller and beady.
Square jaw - If you have a square jaw line, many eyeglasses will make your face look harsh. If you have a square jaw, look for oval or round shaped glasses to soften your chin. Very narrow frames will make your face appear childish.
Flat chin, tall head - With a flat chin and tall head, go for a thin, rectangular frame. Wide glasses will balance your look.
Heart-shaped face - A heart-shaped face looks best in oval-shaped glasses. An oval shape will balance your sharp features.
Oval head - An oval shaped head looks best with a larger, square frame with round corners. Rounded corners will make your frames look less harsh.

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