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Cyxus ブルーライト フィルター メガネ 8327 でデジタル時間をお楽しみください

Cyxus blue light filter glasses 8327

Cyxus コンピューター メガネ 8327、男性/女性向けの非常に軽量な tr90 製のこの長方形のフルリム スタイルは、ゴム製の先端が特徴です。非常に快適な履き心地を実現します。ブラックのリムはブラック/レッド/ブルーのテンプルアームで引き立てられています。コンピューター、タブレット、携帯電話、テレビのブルーライトや紫外線から目を守ります。

cyxus blue light filter glasses 8327cyxus blue light filter glasses 8327cyxus blue light filter glasses 8327

ブルーレイ ブロック -- メガネ レンズは、米国の HEV-Adsorb 基質吸収技術を使用して設計されています。高エネルギーの青色光を吸収できます。
PC レンズ -- メガネレンズは、超疎水性コーティング技術を備えたハイエンドの宇宙 PC レンズで、耐衝撃性と防水性があり、埃がなく、お手入れが簡単です。
軽量 TR90 素材 -- 超軽量で柔軟なフレームで、鼻や耳に圧迫感を与えません。色あせしません。
アンチグレアレンズ -- 色の違いがなく、優れた視覚体験をもたらします。

cyxus 8327 blue light glasses

優れた TR90 フレーム -- 形状記憶 TR90 を使用。フレームは柔軟で超軽量で、顔に掛けていることをほとんど感じません。
スタイリッシュなフレーム -- 市場で最もファッショナブルなブルー ライト ブロック メガネで、非常にスタイリッシュな外観を実現します。
クリア レンズ -- レンズは顔料を一切加えず、完全に透明なベースで作られています。高い光透過率を維持しながら。反射が少なく、読み取りに影響を与えず、色の違いもほとんどありません。
UV 保護 -- ブルーレイ防止レンズは、特殊な米国の基板処理技術を利用して、紫外線から目を保護し、UV400 をブロックします。

クリックすると、Cyxus ブルー ライト フィルター メガネをテストする方法が表示されます。

cyxus blue light filter glasses 8327

クリックすると、Cyxus ブルー ライト フィルター メガネ をテストする方法が表示されます。

cyxus blue light filter glasses 8327

Customer Reviews

Based on 266 reviews
L.J D.
Wow..they actually block the blue light !

I was actually quite surprised and impressed to say the least.I thought that I’d have to pay $50-100 dollars for a good pair that actually workedBut surprisingly they work quite wellThey even give you a little black light to test it for your own piece of mind n all I can say isGood productWell worth the moneyI wish I did this 3 years ago when I first got the ideaRegardless,I don’t watch no digital screens without it

Fits perfect

Very beautiful


Peace of mind

Good for Migraine Sufferers

I suffer from chronic migraines and wear these when I can't afford to take a dark room break and am waiting for my meds to kick in. They help alleviate the pain a little- might not entirely remove it, but certainly help. These are also great for dealing with electronics; they help me sleep better when I wear them for an hour or two before bed.Also, short story on how these glasses helped me escape a terrible headache due to eyestrain-I did I study abroad in China and the entire group decided to go out for karaoke one Friday because, well, why not? I was wearing these glasses during the entire event because I forgot to take them off earlier. Lucky that I did, because the room we rented for karaoke had us doing it in the dark with a large, bright screen with the lyrics as the only source of light. We spent a good four or so hours in there before we left. Turns out, everyone in the group suffered from an excruciating headache and sore eyes afterwards. Everyone except me. I don't suggest staring at a screen for several hours, but the glasses definitely helped.

Worth the buy

These are so cute and have a bigger frame which i love. I love the bigger frame on glasses and it fits perfectly. I would totally buy again. I use these in the office because i work behind a computer screen and not having any eyeware protection can definitely cause those awful headaches and a strain on your eyes. These are definitely worth the buy.

Customer Reviews

Based on 266 reviews
L.J D.
Wow..they actually block the blue light !

I was actually quite surprised and impressed to say the least.I thought that I’d have to pay $50-100 dollars for a good pair that actually workedBut surprisingly they work quite wellThey even give you a little black light to test it for your own piece of mind n all I can say isGood productWell worth the moneyI wish I did this 3 years ago when I first got the ideaRegardless,I don’t watch no digital screens without it

Fits perfect

Very beautiful


Peace of mind

Good for Migraine Sufferers

I suffer from chronic migraines and wear these when I can't afford to take a dark room break and am waiting for my meds to kick in. They help alleviate the pain a little- might not entirely remove it, but certainly help. These are also great for dealing with electronics; they help me sleep better when I wear them for an hour or two before bed.Also, short story on how these glasses helped me escape a terrible headache due to eyestrain-I did I study abroad in China and the entire group decided to go out for karaoke one Friday because, well, why not? I was wearing these glasses during the entire event because I forgot to take them off earlier. Lucky that I did, because the room we rented for karaoke had us doing it in the dark with a large, bright screen with the lyrics as the only source of light. We spent a good four or so hours in there before we left. Turns out, everyone in the group suffered from an excruciating headache and sore eyes afterwards. Everyone except me. I don't suggest staring at a screen for several hours, but the glasses definitely helped.

Worth the buy

These are so cute and have a bigger frame which i love. I love the bigger frame on glasses and it fits perfectly. I would totally buy again. I use these in the office because i work behind a computer screen and not having any eyeware protection can definitely cause those awful headaches and a strain on your eyes. These are definitely worth the buy.
