
$50.00 $29.90

      • フレーム幅: 135 mm
      • レンズ幅: 50 mm
      • ブリッジ: 20 mm
      • テンプルの長さ: 140 mm
      • レンズ高さ: 47 mm
      • 利用可能な色: トータス

                cyxus blue light filter glasses 8082

                アンチ ブルー ライト -- Cyxus コンピューター メガネ Bursna、有害な青色光線防止、有害な影響を与える高エネルギー可視青色光と UV400 から一日中保護します。
                アンチ グレアレンズ -- 色の違いがなく、優れた視覚体験をもたらします。

                目の疲れを軽減 -- Cyxus の青色光フィルター眼鏡は目の疲れ、赤み、乾燥を取り除くことができます。
                睡眠の質を向上 -- Cyxus メガネは目の疲れや頭痛を軽減します。
                頭痛の軽減 -- Cyxus ブルーライト フィルター メガネは、デジタル スクリーンからの有害なブルーライトを遮断し、他のすべての有益な光を取り込むことで健康を保ちます。

                クリックすると、Cyxus ブルー ライト フィルター メガネをテストする方法が表示されます

                Customer Reviews

                Based on 1 review
                James Powell
                Nice Glasses, Horrible Service.

                I like the design of these glasses a lot, and I have bought multiple pairs over the years. However, this company has treated me as a regular customer absolutely horribly.

                I originally found this design sold on Amazon, where they are sold at a lower price but without lens customization options; hence, my decision was to purchase one rather expensive pair with the anti-glare of the website for well over double the price. However, whilst they are very pretty, they are also very delicate, so thereafter, I stuck to Amazon.

                Eventually, I had an arm snap off a pair within a week of purchase from the hinge getting caught in the case, so this time, I decided to make use of the lifetime warranty card each pair came with and contact support. I was very swiftly offered a 50% off coupon which I thought was very fair, and went to use it, however it could only be used on the Cyxus website and with the coupon the glasses still wound up well over the price listed on Amazon, which is where I had bought this previous pair. Upon pointing this out, I was told by Cyxus support by email, not to worry, I will get a special surprise with my order as compensation. I naively took the risk, in good faith of the company and placed my order. What I received was another identical pair of glasses for well over what I would have paid just buying another pair off of their Amazon listing, and, guess what, the fantastic surprise... of absolutely nothing extra.

                Completely mugged off and scammed. I just left it there but am finally bothering to go around and leave the reviews of my experience after seeing they have removed this Bursna colour option from Amazon entirely now, leaving me with no choice but to buy off the site for almost 4 times the price, or take my business elsewhere, which I will be doing from now on. Absolutely outrageous treatment of a loyal and regular customer. They may sell eye care, but they clearly lack customer care.

                - James Powell.


                ほとんどの新品未開封の商品は、配達後 30 日以内であれば全額返金いたします。また、返品が当社のミスによるものである場合(間違った商品や欠陥商品が届いた場合など)、返品の送料は当社が負担します。

                返金は、荷物を返送者に渡してから 4 週間以内に受け取ることができますが、多くの場合、それよりも早く返金が受けられます。この期間には、配送業者から返品を受け取るまでの通過時間 (5 ~ 10 営業日)、返品を受け取ってから当社が返品を処理するのにかかる時間 (3 ~ 5 営業日)、および返品にかかる時間が含まれます。銀行に返金リクエストを処理してもらいます (5 ~ 10 営業日)。













                1.私の処方箋 (Rx) は何を意味しますか


                「+」 –あなたが遠視であるかどうかを示します(遠視)

                「-」 –あなたが近視であるかどうかを示します(近視)

                Sphere (SPH) が「+」の場合、あなたは遠視です。メガネをかけると、メガネをかけない場合と比べて、遠くがよく見えますか、それとも近くがよく見えますかについて教えてください。

                Rxの各行には、 Sphere (SPH)Cylinder (CYL) 、およびAXIS という3 つの主要セクションがあります。 SPHセクションは近視または遠視を矯正します。 CYLセクションとAXISセクションは乱視を補正します。

                Rxには 4 番目のセクションであるNV-ADD ( Near Vision-Reading ADDition ) がある場合もあります。これは、レンズの下部に近接視力セクションを備えた二焦点または累進メガネの注文に使用できます。 。

                SPHCYL 、およびNV-ADD の数値には常にプラスまたはマイナスの符号が付きます。


                PD は瞳孔距離の略で、一方の瞳孔の中心からもう一方の瞳孔の中心までの測定値です。 PD は重要な要素であり、メガネのレンズを通してどこを見ているかを示すものであり、できるだけ正確である必要があります。度数が強い人にとって、これは特に重要です。通常、PD は処方箋に記載されています。一般的に言えば、成人のPD数値は変わりません。成人の平均 PD 範囲は 57 ~ 72 mm、子供では約 43 ~ 58 mm です。

                瞳孔間距離 (PD)は、瞳孔間の距離の測定値です。

                瞳孔間距離 (PD) |サイクサス



                Customer Reviews

                Based on 1 review
                James Powell
                Nice Glasses, Horrible Service.

                I like the design of these glasses a lot, and I have bought multiple pairs over the years. However, this company has treated me as a regular customer absolutely horribly.

                I originally found this design sold on Amazon, where they are sold at a lower price but without lens customization options; hence, my decision was to purchase one rather expensive pair with the anti-glare of the website for well over double the price. However, whilst they are very pretty, they are also very delicate, so thereafter, I stuck to Amazon.

                Eventually, I had an arm snap off a pair within a week of purchase from the hinge getting caught in the case, so this time, I decided to make use of the lifetime warranty card each pair came with and contact support. I was very swiftly offered a 50% off coupon which I thought was very fair, and went to use it, however it could only be used on the Cyxus website and with the coupon the glasses still wound up well over the price listed on Amazon, which is where I had bought this previous pair. Upon pointing this out, I was told by Cyxus support by email, not to worry, I will get a special surprise with my order as compensation. I naively took the risk, in good faith of the company and placed my order. What I received was another identical pair of glasses for well over what I would have paid just buying another pair off of their Amazon listing, and, guess what, the fantastic surprise... of absolutely nothing extra.

                Completely mugged off and scammed. I just left it there but am finally bothering to go around and leave the reviews of my experience after seeing they have removed this Bursna colour option from Amazon entirely now, leaving me with no choice but to buy off the site for almost 4 times the price, or take my business elsewhere, which I will be doing from now on. Absolutely outrageous treatment of a loyal and regular customer. They may sell eye care, but they clearly lack customer care.

                - James Powell.
