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  • フレーム幅: 135 mm
  • レンズ幅: 51 mm
  • ブリッジ:16 mm
  • テンプルの長さ:138 mm
  • レンズ高さ: 38 mm
  • フレーム重量: 16.6 g

          Cyxus ブルーライト ブロック メガネでデジタル時間をお楽しみください

        • アンチブルーライト - Cyxus ブルーライトフィルターガラスはブルーライトを効果的にブロックします。
        • より良い睡眠 - Cyxus メガネは目の疲れや頭痛を軽減し、安らかな深い睡眠をお楽しみいただけます。
        • 目の疲れによる赤みを取り除く - Cyxus ブルーライト フィルター メガネは、目の疲労、赤み、乾燥を取り除くことができます。
        • スタイリッシュ - 透明な PC レンズとウルテムの丸いフルリム フレームがとてもスタイリッシュに見せます。
        • ブルーライト防止メガネが必要な方 - 長時間画面を使用することによる目の疲れに悩まされている方、コンピューター作業者、デザイナー、ゲーマー、教師、学生、スマートフォン/パッドリーダーなど、長時間画面を見つめる方に適しています。など、または画面を見つめることから目を長期間保護したい人。
        • FDA 登録企業 - Cyxus は、FDA、CE、RoHS 認証を取得した米国のプロ仕様の眼保護メガネ ブランドです。

        • 詳細

        • ウルテム フレーム - フレームは超軽量のウルテム製です。超靭性、耐衝撃性、耐落下性を備えています。長時間かぶっても頭への圧迫感を感じません。
        • 高品質のヒンジ – Cyxus ヒンジは高品質の金属で作られています。安定性と耐久性があります。
        • クラシックなデザイン - フレームはファッションとクラシックな機能、滑らかな境界線と豊かで多様な色を組み合わせています。変形しにくく、長時間着用しても大丈夫です。
        • 快適なノーズパッド – 人間の顔に合わせてデザインされています。鼻への圧力を軽減します。履き心地もさらに快適に。

        • 製品の説明:

          このコンピューター メガネの超薄型構造に騙されないでください。航空宇宙産業で使用される最先端のプラスチックであるウルテムで作られており、軽量であると同時に強度も優れています。このミディアムサイズのラウンドフレームは、マットブラックフレーム、べっ甲柄、ティーブラウンの光沢のある2色からお選びいただけます。非常に軽くて柔軟なテンプルアームはアセテートチップを備えており、一日中着用しても快適なフィット感を提供します。利用可能なカラー: マット ブラック (8067T02)、べっ甲/ヒョウ柄 (8067T10)、ティー ブラウン (8067T29)。


          ブルーライトに過度にさらされると、デジタル目の疲労や疲労、視力の問題を引き起こす可能性があります。 Cyxus メガネを使用すると、目の乾燥や疲れはもうなくなります。携帯電話、タブレット、ラップトップ、テレビ、コンピューターを使用する際の目の疲れを防ぎます。画面を見つめることから目を長期間保護したい方に最適です。


          ブルーライトは、頭痛、片頭痛発作、その他の健康上の問題を引き起こす可能性があります。 Cyxus ブルー ブロッカーまたはブルーライト フィルター メガネは、デジタル スクリーンからの有害なブルーライトを遮断し、その他の有益な光をすべて取り入れて健康を維持します。すでに片頭痛を患っている人にお勧めします。


          夕方のブルーライトは脳をだまして昼間であると思い込ませ、メラトニンの生成を阻害し、睡眠の量と質の両方を低下させます。幸いなことに、Cyxus ブルーライト フィルター メガネは、目に入るブルーライトと自然な睡眠覚醒サイクルの乱れをブロックし、睡眠を改善します。

          Customer Reviews

          Based on 42 reviews
          MADHURJYA D.
          These glasses are true to the picture in color, ...

          These glasses are true to the picture in color, shape and size. They are not too light but not to heavy--just right. I face a computer screen for 8 hours five days a week and take online classes, these glasses will definitely be put to use starting tomorrow.

          Christina L.
          Five Stars

          Never having sore eyes now!!! It's light weight and really helped my eyes for long time computer usage.

          Sara A.
          Lightweight and comfortable to wear

          Fast shipping I got it the next day its lightweight comportable to wear. It fits just right no need for adjustments tint is not to yellow (just right) I have a cataract surgery 5 months ago and struggling with dry eyes no matter what eye drops to use it seems like this eye glass helps. I suggest give it a try. It relaxes my eye just for the 2 days of wearing it.

          Quang N.
          Frame Breaks Easily!

          I dropped them one time, and the frame broke and the arm came off. There was no way to repair the glasses. The frame is very brittle. For $20 I was expecting better quality for the frame.

          Abby L.
          10 stars if I could

          I love these! Awesome customer service too! I bought these after I saw them in a giveaway. I have 20/10 vision and no eye issues but I work with 3 monitors all day and my eyes are dry, tired eyes. I thought I would give these a try. I had no idea there were gaming glasses out there until I googled it and was attracted by the stylish frame of Cyxus, I decided to give these a try. They looked classy and not so obvious as some others. It took about a week to adjust to them and I love them! I am seeing the difference and my eyes no longer look like I spent the day in the bar instead of at work! My coworkers started asking about them because I dont wear glasses and after trying them they are looking at them too. You can definitely see the blocking affect looking over the top of the glasses vs looking through the lens.
          The customer service deserves 10 stars! I got an email before I received my glasses and follow up emails. I would recommend the product even if they werent as great as they are just based on the customer service.

          Customer Reviews

          Based on 42 reviews
          MADHURJYA D.
          These glasses are true to the picture in color, ...

          These glasses are true to the picture in color, shape and size. They are not too light but not to heavy--just right. I face a computer screen for 8 hours five days a week and take online classes, these glasses will definitely be put to use starting tomorrow.

          Christina L.
          Five Stars

          Never having sore eyes now!!! It's light weight and really helped my eyes for long time computer usage.

          Sara A.
          Lightweight and comfortable to wear

          Fast shipping I got it the next day its lightweight comportable to wear. It fits just right no need for adjustments tint is not to yellow (just right) I have a cataract surgery 5 months ago and struggling with dry eyes no matter what eye drops to use it seems like this eye glass helps. I suggest give it a try. It relaxes my eye just for the 2 days of wearing it.

          Quang N.
          Frame Breaks Easily!

          I dropped them one time, and the frame broke and the arm came off. There was no way to repair the glasses. The frame is very brittle. For $20 I was expecting better quality for the frame.

          Abby L.
          10 stars if I could

          I love these! Awesome customer service too! I bought these after I saw them in a giveaway. I have 20/10 vision and no eye issues but I work with 3 monitors all day and my eyes are dry, tired eyes. I thought I would give these a try. I had no idea there were gaming glasses out there until I googled it and was attracted by the stylish frame of Cyxus, I decided to give these a try. They looked classy and not so obvious as some others. It took about a week to adjust to them and I love them! I am seeing the difference and my eyes no longer look like I spent the day in the bar instead of at work! My coworkers started asking about them because I dont wear glasses and after trying them they are looking at them too. You can definitely see the blocking affect looking over the top of the glasses vs looking through the lens.
          The customer service deserves 10 stars! I got an email before I received my glasses and follow up emails. I would recommend the product even if they werent as great as they are just based on the customer service.
