
$19.99 $15.00
: ブライトブラック
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      • フレーム幅: 142 mm
      • レンズ幅: 52 mm
      • ブリッジ: 19 mm
      • テンプルの長さ: 144 mm
      • レンズ高さ: 46 mm
      • 利用可能な色: ブライトブラック

              Cyxus ブルーライト ブロック メガネでデジタル時間をお楽しみください

            • ブルーライト防止 - Cyxus ブルーライト フィルター ガラスは、ブルーライトを効果的にブロックします。
            • より良い睡眠 - Cyxus メガネは目の疲れや頭痛を軽減し、安らかな深い睡眠をお楽しみいただけます。
            • 目の疲れによる赤みを取り除く - Cyxus ブルーライト フィルター メガネは、目の疲れ、赤み、乾燥を取り除くことができます。
            • スタイリッシュ - 透明な PC レンズと tr90 レトロな丸型フルリム フレームがとてもスタイリッシュに見せます。
            • ブルーライト防止メガネが必要な方 - 長時間画面を使用することによる目の疲れに悩まされている方、コンピューター作業者、デザイナー、ゲーマー、教師、学生、スマートフォン/パッドリーダーなど、長時間画面を見つめる方に適しています。など、または画面を見つめることから目を長期間保護したい人。
            • FDA 登録企業 - Cyxus は、FDA、CE、および RoHS 認証を取得した米国のプロ用眼保護メガネ ブランドです。

            • 目の疲れを軽減

              ブルーライトに過度にさらされると、デジタル眼の疲労や疲労、視力の問題が発生する可能性があります。 Cyxus メガネを使用すると、目の乾燥や疲れはもうなくなります。携帯電話、タブレット、ラップトップ、テレビ、コンピューターを使用する際の目の疲れを防ぎます。画面を見つめることから目を長期間保護したい人に最適です。


              ブルーライトは、頭痛、片頭痛発作、その他の健康上の問題を引き起こす可能性があります。 Cyxus ブルー ブロッカーまたはブルーライト フィルター メガネは、デジタル スクリーンからの有害なブルーライトを遮断し、その他の有益な光をすべて取り入れて健康を維持します。すでに片頭痛を患っている人にお勧めします。


              夕方のブルーライトは脳を騙して昼間であると錯覚させ、メラトニンの生成を阻害し、睡眠の量と質の両方を低下させます。幸いなことに、Cyxus ブルーライト フィルター メガネは、ブルーライトが目に入るのを防ぎ、自然な睡眠覚醒サイクルを乱すことから睡眠を改善します。

              Cyxus ブルーライト フィルター レンズは航空グレードの PC 素材で作られています。市販の抗青色光コーティングまたは抗青色光色素レンズを追加したものと比較して、透明青色光遮断基板は当社のコア技術であり、Cyxus青色光フィルターレンズは米国のHEV-Absorb基板吸収技術を使用して設計されています。コンピューター、携帯電話、携帯電話、タブレット、iPad からの高エネルギー青色光を吸収し、UV400 保護も提供し、目の疲労、乾燥、頭痛を和らげます。より良い睡眠をお届けすることに専念します。目の疲れを軽減し、目の充血を防ぎます。


              Customer Reviews

              Based on 39 reviews
              Colbie O.
              I don't wear glasses but these are very comfortable. Once you put them on

              I don't wear glasses but these are very comfortable. Once you put them on, you can see and feel a total difference with looking at a computer/TV/device. I started to become sensitive to sunlight and my eyes would water randomly before I purchased these glasses. Now, I can walk outside and enjoy the sights without having to constantly wipe my eyes of tears. Love the product and what it does!

              Kelly S.
              Stylish, does the job, but smudges easily

              I prefer these over the gunnar glasses my brother has. The tint on those were a bit too extreme for me. Although there is a tint, it mostly makes white more of a beige color, and I find other colors appear more vivid to me. I took a star off because as other reviewers have said, the glasses smudge extremely easily, which can be somewhat irritating. Aside from that though they do look rather stylish and get the job done.

              Darrell f.
              I've had these glasses several months now and they are amazing!!

              These were my first computer glasses, and I started off very skeptical. I used to get multiple headaches behind my eyes each week from computer work.

              I've had these glasses several months now and they are amazing!!! I rarely ever get headaches anymore!

              Bram L.
              Love these! I love that they look like prescription ...

              Love these! I love that they look like prescription glasses so the tinting is minimal. I wear them most of the day at work which helps w headaches due to the fluorescent lighting and computer but have even tried them at home while watching the game. They're so lightweight that you forget you're wearing them!

              Rachid B.
              you will feel they are really useful and

              I need to work everyday with my computer, also when I get home I watch some TV or spend more time with the computer. Without glasses my eyes used to get dry and heavy, I had some headaches too. Since I use the glasses it doesn't happen to me, I can really tell the difference on the effort I put starring at the screen. Try to work with the glasses for 5hrs and then without, you will feel they are really useful and confortable


              Customer Reviews

              Based on 39 reviews
              Colbie O.
              I don't wear glasses but these are very comfortable. Once you put them on

              I don't wear glasses but these are very comfortable. Once you put them on, you can see and feel a total difference with looking at a computer/TV/device. I started to become sensitive to sunlight and my eyes would water randomly before I purchased these glasses. Now, I can walk outside and enjoy the sights without having to constantly wipe my eyes of tears. Love the product and what it does!

              Kelly S.
              Stylish, does the job, but smudges easily

              I prefer these over the gunnar glasses my brother has. The tint on those were a bit too extreme for me. Although there is a tint, it mostly makes white more of a beige color, and I find other colors appear more vivid to me. I took a star off because as other reviewers have said, the glasses smudge extremely easily, which can be somewhat irritating. Aside from that though they do look rather stylish and get the job done.

              Darrell f.
              I've had these glasses several months now and they are amazing!!

              These were my first computer glasses, and I started off very skeptical. I used to get multiple headaches behind my eyes each week from computer work.

              I've had these glasses several months now and they are amazing!!! I rarely ever get headaches anymore!

              Bram L.
              Love these! I love that they look like prescription ...

              Love these! I love that they look like prescription glasses so the tinting is minimal. I wear them most of the day at work which helps w headaches due to the fluorescent lighting and computer but have even tried them at home while watching the game. They're so lightweight that you forget you're wearing them!

              Rachid B.
              you will feel they are really useful and

              I need to work everyday with my computer, also when I get home I watch some TV or spend more time with the computer. Without glasses my eyes used to get dry and heavy, I had some headaches too. Since I use the glasses it doesn't happen to me, I can really tell the difference on the effort I put starring at the screen. Try to work with the glasses for 5hrs and then without, you will feel they are really useful and confortable
